Your one-stop destination for all soccer Physical Therapy and Performance Training

This website is a central hub for all interested in soccer, from rehabilitation to performance.  

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Improve your knowledge

Looking to return from an injury? Improve your performance? You're at the right place!

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Physical Therapy

Injuries are a part of playing any sport. Knowing how to reduce your risk and how to come back from an injury will help keep you on the field.

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Performance Training

There are only so many hours in a day. There are general exercises and specific exercises which will help most for your sport. Knowing the right exercises will help save time and improve performance.

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Injury Risk Reduction

Soccer injury risk reduction is one of the most researched areas out of all sports. There are several programs that have been developed and researched to help decrease injuries like ACL tears.

Features & Benefits

Rehab to Performance Model

Other Considerations

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Your best ability, is your availability

Physical Therapist & Performance Trainer

I have a unique perspective to share with all of those involved with soccer.  As a life-long soccer player, physical therapist, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), I like to combine my areas of interest and expertise to help soccer players achieve their goals.

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Jimmy Hoyt, PT

Soccer, Physical Therapy, and Performance Training are my 3 passions. Combining my knowledge in these areas can help soccer athletes achieve their goals.

Please reach out if you would like to schedule a consultation!

Consultations can cover a range of topics from developing individual training programs, team training, returning from injury, on-field rehabilitation, pre-season performance testing, etc.

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