Injury Risk Reduction

Injury Risk Reduction

The phrase “Injury Prevention” is often used, but, in a contact sport like soccer, injuries cannot be prevented.  The term risk reduction is more appropriate to what we are able to achieve with different exercises programs that look to improve athletes ability to avoid injuries and stay on the field.  Thankfully, for soccer, there are plenty of options of injury risk reduction programs.  This brings about unique challenges too.  Which program is the best?  Should an 11 year old female soccer player be performing the same program as a 19 year old male collegiate soccer player?  And most importantly, does the program actually work?  On this page, I will review the components of some of the programs as well as their effectiveness.  

Programs (Coming Soon)

Designed by FIFA and the most researched
Click Here
Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance
Click Here
ACL injury prevention program
Click Here
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